Routing #: 325272063

Financial Assistance

Feel financially secure knowing we have resources to help.

  • Contact Us
  • Request to Skip a Payment

Alaskans are no strangers to change. Our state has changed immensely over the past decades, from limited dirt roads and camps to a bustling network of thriving communities. However, despite the amazing growth and development that many of us have witnessed, we’re also not immune to slumps in the economy, a worldwide pandemic, unemployment, and other “unknowns” that can affect one’s personal ability to make ends meet. Fortunately, we're here to help you face financial change when unexpected circumstances strike.

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Contact Us

Please contact us immediately if you can't make certain payments due to hardship. We can often help by extending your payment due date, allowing you to take a month off from a payment, consolidating or refinancing your debt to a more affordable payment, and more. The sooner you contact us, the more options we may have available to help.

Contact Us

Skip a Pay


We understand life isn’t always predictable, and we are here to give a helping hand to keep you on track. Our Skip-a-Pay program is accessible to all members via Online Access with a qualifying loan. With this program, all members can choose to postpone a one-month loan payment twice per calendar year, up to six times throughout the lifetime of your loan.

By choosing to skip a payment, a small fee of $30 will be charged. Your skipped payment will not be added to your next bill; rather, it will be added to the end of your loan. During your skipped month, interest will still occur on your current loan.

To start your request, log into Online Access and select Skip-a-Pay from the menu options.


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