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Your Fraud Fighting Toolkit

Fraud can happen to anyone, and at anytime. Scammers use new and old tactics to target all age groups, but there are ways to help prevent this from happening. At Credit Union 1, we offer free tools and monitoring resources with your membership that will alert 🔔 you if something suspicious takes place.
Tool #1: Fraud alerts SMS
Stay up-to-date on the status of your account with customizable alerts. Get notified when your account reaches a certain balance or transactions exceed a specified amount. Take control of your finances by setting the notifications that matter to you. Log in to Online Access and select Control Panel > Alerts and Notifications to get started.
Tool #2: Credit monitoring and identity alerts through Credit Score
Keep an eye on your credit score and credit report changes with real time credit monitoring right inside your online account. Receive alerts for suspicious activity on your credit reports that may be the result of identity theft or fraud. Sign me up!
Tool #3: Extra credit monitoring through Mastercard® ID Theft Protection
Mastercard offers complimentary support protecting your identity, detecting risks, early notification of suspicious activity, and a team of experts dedicated to resolutions of fraud. Defend your personal information and secure your digital privacy through extra monitoring of suspicious activity that you choose to track, such as your name, address, email address, social security number, date of birth, debit/credit card numbers or other sensitive data.
Enroll in your complimentary Mastercard ID Theft Protection
Tool #4: CU1's CardControl App
Instantly "turn off" your CU1 card if it is lost or stolen. You can also set alerts to notify you when your card has been declined or if an unauthorized usage attempt is detected.
Download the CU1 CardControl app:
If you think you've been targeted, follow the steps below:
If you suspect a scam, proceed with caution. Scams can happen to anyone, so don't feel ashamed or embarrassed if it happens to you. Follow these steps to ensure your safety:
- Do not respond to suspicious messages or calls.
- Do not click on any links included in messages from an unknown source.
- If a phone call seems suspicious, do not engage with the caller. Hang up and call the company directly.
- Note that fraudsters have the ability to manipulate the caller ID.
- If you have any reason to suspect a scam, be sure to give us a call at (907) 339-9485 or (800) 478-2222.

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